A.M.Th. van de Laarschot was established in 1968 by mr. Van de Laarschot, and later, in 1973 became A.M.Th. van de Laarschot BV. Dennis de Witte took over as director in 1994 when Mr. Van de Laarschot retired. In 1999 the company joined forces with E.H. van der Spek Marine Services to become Nautisch Expertisebureau Van de Laarschot BV. Our team consists of sworn surveyors with 25 years or more experience in surveying in Europe. Before this, they served as Officers on Foreign Going Vessels or barge captains on inland river barges. In-house training and abreast of the latest developments in the maritime sector keep our team up to date in order to protect our clients as best as possible. Now more than 4 decades after our first survey, we can still boast as being totally independent, which guarantees full impartial service for our clients.